Assisted Living Facility Business Plan Tools
Below is a PDF of the Assisted Living Facility Business Plan that is included in your purchase. This is the business plan only, and the purchased package contains 10 other documents (in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Excel) that will assist you in developing your business plan.
The Assisted Living Facility Business Plan Package features:
- Bank/Investor Ready Business Plan for an Assisted Living Facility
- Assisted Living Facility Industry Research (including analysis of Covid-19 Issues)
- 3 Year Easy-to-Use Question and Answer Based Excel Model
- Assisted Living Facility Marketing Plan
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Loan Amortization and ROI Tables
- Three SWOT Analysis Templates
- Easy to Follow Instructions
- Meets SBA Requirements
- All Documents in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
The chapter list of the business plan is as follows:
- 1.0 Executive Summary
- 2.0 Financing and Corporate Structure Overview
- 3.0 Assisted Living Facility Operations
- 4.0 Economic, Industry, Market, and Competitive Research
- 5.0 Marketing Plan
- 6.0 Personnel Plan
- 7.0 Financial Plan
- Appendix A – SWOT Analysis
- Appendix B – Expanded Profit and Loss Statements
- Appendix C – Expanded Cash Flow Analysis
- Appendix D – Loan Amortization Table